Somatic Movement

Eliminate chronically
contracted muscles

What is Somatics?

Teaching our Bodies to Move Free

Somatics includes a series of gentle movements that help to eliminate chronically contracted muscles. By establishing a partnership with our sensory motor nervous system’s feedback loop, we learn to communicate new information to the muscle fibers. Sensory motor amnesia occurs when we forget how to release a muscle completely. This methodology employs education and pandiculation. As you learn to lengthen muscle fibers you can eliminate the chronic pain that manifests as poor posture, poor balance, pain while walking and reduced quality of life due to limited mobility. The ultimate goal of Somatics is to teach our bodies to move freely and easily throughout our entire life, busting the myth that aging inevitably leads to fragility, limited mobility, poor function and chronic pain.


Pandiculation is the process of mindfully and voluntarily contracting and releasing a muscle group that involves biofeedback.
1. Intentional muscle contraction and slow mindful release.
2. Muscle fibers gain a new resting length.
3. Noticing, sensing and feeling lets you integrate teaching. (learning)

Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA)

SMA can best be described as our muscles on auto pilot.
1. Our brain will choose the most efficient way to move us when we are not paying attention.
2. Loss of voluntary control affects our movements.
3. Pandiculation reverses sensory motor amnesia.

Habituated Muscle Patterns

Reflex Patterns

Clinical Somatic Education and Somatic private sessions rely on our understanding of 3 reflexes that are hard-wired into our nervous system. Reflexes are protective responses to stimuli and occur outside of our conscious awareness.

Red Light Reflex - Startle Reflex

The red light reflex brings us to a stop.

1. We curl into the fetal position.
2. Causes include: anxiety, worry, depression and fear.
3. Computer and cell phone use replicates the reflex.
4. Some effects: jaw pain, neck and shoulder pain, shallow breathing, cardiac issues.

Trauma Reflex

The trauma reflex is a one-sided response.

1. It is about the sides.
2. A twist in the centre of the body.
3.Causes include: one-sided habits, carrying a baby on your hip.
4.One - sided injury . ie. sprained ankle.
5.Some effects: sciatica ,knee pain , ankle pain and frozen shoulder.

Red light Reflex
Trauma Reflex
Green Light Reflex
Green Light - Landau Reflex

The green light reflex moves us forward

1. Large muscles of the back contract.
2.Like a soldier we stand at attention.
3.Causes include: a repetitive call to action.
4.Extreme sports and our fast-paced lifestyles
5.Some effects: Low back pain, herniated disk, sciatica, and tight hamstrings.

Somatic Education is beneficial for…

-ldentify the source of your discomfort or pain
-Learn somatic movements
-Hands on assistance with a certified somatic educator
-Move to your fullest potential for the rest of your life.

Bernadette Spiller

My rich background in therapeutic recreation and energy healing supports my mission to assist others in achieving a more active lifestyle that is suitable for them.

Through years of working with Clients, I have discovered that healing our energy field, does not always result in the healing of our physical body. Instead, we can remain stuck in the “thoughts that become things” pattern as a rooted representation of our emotions and experiences.

I was thrilled to discover Essential Somatics® which confirmed there is no differentiation between thoughts, emotions and physical sensations; it is all sensation. Our job is to connect meaningfully with these sensations as the first step in creating more freedom for ourselves.

My greatest teacher has been diving deeply into my own personal somatic practice. Somatic Movements and Clinical Somatic Education Sessions have allowed me to witness and experience the powerful process that takes place when we turn our attention inward.

Bernadette Spiller

My rich background in therapeutic recreation and energy healing supports my mission to assist others in achieving a more active lifestyle that is suitable for them.

Through years of working with Clients, I have discovered that healing our energy field, does not always result in the healing of our physical body. Instead, we can remain stuck in the “thoughts that become things” pattern as a rooted representation of our emotions and experiences.

I was thrilled to discover Somatics® Essential which confirmed there is no differentiation between thoughts, emotions and physical sensations; it is all sensation. Our job is to connect meaningfully with these sensations as the first step in creating more freedom for ourselves.

My greatest teacher has been diving deeply into my own personal somatic practice. Somatic Movements and Clinical Somatic Education Sessions have allowed me to witness and experience the powerful process that takes place when we turn our attention inward.


Clinical Somatic Education is beneficial for…

-Chronic pain
-Nervous System Regulation
-Trauma Release
-Pain Education
-Mind Body Connection

Clinical Somatic Session

A Thomas Hanna, Ph.D. inspired clinical session uses assisted pandiculation to move you from habitual muscle contractions to conscious body awareness, helping to reduce chronic pain and improve posture through gentle movements and education.


$ 150

First Session


$ 130

Session Thereafter


$ 470



$ 100

Per Session


$ 150

First Session


$ 130

Session Thereafter


$ 470



$ 100

Per Session

Somatic Movement Classes

As a somatic movement coach, I will teach you gentle movements that address the 3 reflexes and reverse sensory motor amnesia. Since all movement originates in the center of the body, we will start there and gradually add the arms and the legs! You will end each series with a toolbox full of movements. You will learn how to get yourself out of pain. Classes run throughout the year in 6-week series.

Class Locations

- St Thomas Senior Centre, 200 Chestnut Street, St. Thomas
- 2182 Wharncliffe Road South, London


$ 120



  • Avatar MelArch100
    I have gone to 3 of Bernadette’s series of 6 classes and have definitely come away with more movement, less pain and a deeper understanding of movement … More and muscles. I highly recommend Bernadette if you are experiencing mobility issues, soreness or just want to be freer in your movements! She is very easy to understand and is clear in her communication. I’ve attended personal one on one sessions as well as class settings and can say both were equally beneficial.
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise Bernadette! I’ll be going to your next series of classes for sure!
    ★★★★★ a month ago
  • Avatar Carol Stephenson
    I had a compression fracture 18 months ago. In my wait for Kyphoplasty I have had acupuncture, physiotherapy, massage therapy, & I was still dealing … More with horrible pain. I did some research & I found Bernadette on google. I love the way she teaches me about my body & she is so very kind Already after two sessions I am getting some relief. Bernadette loves what she does & it definitely shows as she teaches the different movements. I am so happy I found her.
    ★★★★★ a month ago
  • Avatar Catherine Jacklin
    I am so thankful that I was introduced to Bernadette and Somatics. Having an expert to trust as you learn about your body and movement … or lack of … More it ….is empowering . I started attending her group sessions a year ago and have also had a personalized one on one session . Learning movements that I can do , on my own, has helped me with my lower back and hip pain . I look forward to the 2025 sessions and encourage others to explore Somatics . Thank you Bernadette for sharing your profession in a comfortable and safe environment.
    ★★★★★ a month ago

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